Tuesday, 22 February 2011

earth4energy special

Earth4energy, created by Michael Harvey, is our top rated do-it-yourself solar power and renewable energy plan for a number of reasons - but most importantly because it actually works and is easy to setup...
As a relative newcomer, they've sure managed to make a splash in the alternative energy market. The price of oil is going to keep climbing as the world’s demand for energy keeps rising. China and India are growing at astronomical rates, and their hunger for energy is going to affect our wallets. As a result, many people are now looking to alternative sources of energy, such as wind power, hydroelectricity, nuclear power, biofuels, hydrogen power and solar power. And that’s why Mr. Harvey wrote this manual, to help ordinary people cope with the coming energy crisis.

                          I thought the idea of creating my own electricity sounded like a great idea, so I ended up buying the manual to try it out. The windmill and solar power system that I built have greatly reduced the cost of my monthly utilities (they also look very professional). In fact, I am now able to sell the extra energy I create back to my power company.
The reality is that buying energy from your traditional electricity grid is going to get more and more expensive. It’s simply not going to go away. And when you add all the environmental damage that we are causing on top of that, it’s time to take action.
So, let’s take a closer look at why I believe Earth4Energy is the best choice for saving yourself some serious money and for doing your part to save the environment…
Earth4Energy at a Glance…
What Earth4Energy Claims To Do…
The Earth4Energy guide is all about helping individuals like you and me cope with the rising costs of fuel and energy. The core idea of the manual is about generating your own electricity at home. If you were to hire a professional to build and install something like this for you, it would cost you more than $3000. But with Mr. Harvey’s system, you’ll be able to create your own renewable energy for less than $200.
This all depends of course on the size of your home. If you have a $5 million dollar mansion, a single windmill obviously won't be enough to provide electricity for the whole place. The Earth4Energy plan specifically targets average-sized middle class families and their homes.

And don't worry, because the windmill design in the Earth4Energy manual is more than powerful enough to dramatically lower the costs of your electricity bill by a large amount. Also, many people choose to go ahead and build a second or third windmill if they so desire.
And you can also choose to build the solar panels. Depending on what part of the world in which you live, solar panels will also generate a significant amount of electricity for your home, which also lowers your energy costs. And since hiring a professional to install solar panels will cost you around $5,000, you will be much better off by building them on your own.
You will basically be able to go green and save money at the same time. Earth4Energy is very environmentally friendly and does not produce any harmful air pollution or gases. The manual provides you with an easy to follow guide for building your own wind power and solar power generators at home. There are full color illustrations and step by step instructions to make it as easy as possible, even if you have no technical knowledge or experience at all. You will also receive free lifetime updates to the manual and free email support for any questions you may have.
The power generators that you build will provide low cost energy that will help you reduce or even completely eliminate the amount of power you need to purchase from your local utility company. You may even have enough energy left over to sell back to them.

Potential Negatives:
Obviously, you are going to have to actually take action if you want to see any results. You can’t just sit around and do nothing after you read the book if you want to save money. You will have to follow the instructions and implement them. But for most people, the actual process of building your own generator will be a lot of fun. The instructions are very easy to understand.
However, the Earth4Energy manual is not completely perfect. For example, there was one detail missing that I found to be a little annoying. I wasn’t sure how I could get my windmill to spin without wobbling, by mounting the windmill motor/generator and blade assembly on the vertical support. Luckily, this was cleared up right away with the free email support that is offered with the manual.
Generally speaking, the solar panel plans are a little more complicated to build than the windmill, but they are still very much worth the effort. And in any case, the manual still provides every detail you need to do it correctly. The solar panels also cost about $150 more to build than the windmill.
I also think the manual should have come with an instructional video to make everything crystal clear. It just seemed that some things could have been explained more easily with a video. But as long as you follow the instructions, you’ll be fine.
There is also one more thing that should be mentioned, which is pretty obvious. If you want to get energy from your windmill, you’ll have to live in an area that actually gets wind. And the same goes for the solar power generator of course; without some sun, you won’t see any meaningful results.
For me personally, the Earth4Energy manual was a good investment. My electricity bill is much lower now. It’s really so simple that anyone can do it. With free support and the potential to actually make money by building your own generators and saving the environment, it’s really worth giving it a try.
The illustrations and step by step instructions make everything easy to follow. For less than $200, you can successfully build and install your own power generating systems. Once you’re up and running, you’ll be well on your way to saving anywhere from 80% - 100% on your monthly power bills.
They also offer a 60 day money back guarantee if you’re not fully satisfied, so you have nothing to lose.

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